
Archive for October, 2009

Oh, wow. It’s been a while. Well, I guess that’s just how it goes. Anyway, here’s my justification: aside from selling books, I’ve been working on making money from my knitting. That’s right, Knits With Carrots is slowly but surely making its way to the necks of people near you. My first design (!) is a little neckwarmer that I’ve made at least 15 of by now (no joke), so that’s been eating up my time like crazy. Pictures soon, and I think I may make it into a pattern to share.

It’s pretty cool designing knit things. I mean, one, it means I can sell it, and two, it makes me all inspired to make more things. And it’s getting cold! So these things I’m going to be making will be accessories galore. I can’t wear knit garments every day — I barely justify wearing my favorite knit socks multiple days in a row — but wearing the same scarf over and over? Totally acceptable.

Ramble ramble, but: one of the best (and totally unanticipated) perks of putting out into the world that I am a Serious and Professional Knitter is that a lot of my friends are saying, “Hi, can I pay you to knit things for me?”, and the answer is pretty much always a “Hell yes!” So I have thigh-high legwarmers on the docket, among other things. Maybe not cost effective, but it feels good to get paid for my labor and to keep my friends’ extremities warm. And have money to pay for hot chocolate while I, you guessed it, knit these freakin’ neckwarmers. Oh wait, let me edit that: these freakin’ now-available-in-a-real-boutique neckwarmers.

Hell yes.

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